Sunday, August 17, 2008

Life @ fast lane…………….

Life has been fantastic last few days. Being busier than ever before. Learning things that I myself would have never thought I could. Having fun with friends. Making college our Home, be it holiday or college-day, being in college. Still managing to watch a DVD a day, reading novels, contributing to college committees. Life is great.

Sometimes people find life boring. I think because lives of such people are monotonic, i.e. their today is same as tomorrow. A new day should bring you new opportunities, new problems and newer ways to solve them. Then life will never again be boring.

“Don’t try for too many things in too little time”, “Take your steps slowly or you might crumble” people have being telling me. I know they are right. But I know that it’s now or never. Whenever a good opportunity comes, you should grab it with both hands. Doing the right thing at the right time matters. I may have to sacrifice a few hours of leisure time for that, adjust a few things here and there. Doesn’t matter, enjoyment can come later.

In some ways I have learnt from Pratap, a guy from my class( Read IEEE Chairperson….). The amount of effort he puts in to get things done in time is awesome. He shall remain my inspiration forever. How can I forget my after-college group of Yugi, Gogo, Amey, Rohit, Anup, Sinnan, Rahul. We are a fantastic group. We are into everything. Silly jokes, pranks, serious work, game strategies(read cs and warcraft), football chat. Someday they’ll transform me into a better Warcraft player.

And yes, how can I ever forget Nikhil sir. He has been so great with us. He has presented us with a great opportunity to do an industry level project. Guiding us the way through. Helping us with getting around things.

Meanwhile I am getting a call asking events list for Nirmaan(our college fest) which is to be displayed on website. I get a call saying JSP/Servlet project submission in 3 days. Some SE asking why php is not working on his PC. Some crap microprocessor journal to be checked tomorrow. Maybe some assignments to do which I am not aware of. Making me wonder why I am wasting time on writing stupid blogs? Sometimes you got to live for the moment I guess.

I remember Shania Twain’s song.

“C’est la vie……
That’s life and that’s how it’s gonna be………………….”

Monday, August 4, 2008

An Intro

Friends this is Sanket. One of the several lakh students currently studying engineering in India. New to the world of blogging but not new to the world of writing.

Was shy during most of my schoollife, with average scores, fewer friends and simple lifestyle. Gradually till the end of schoollife, the shyness somehow reduced and I was quite active in class activities. I was liking this sudden change. The world around you appears to change when you change yourself. Seeing around people who simply numerically added to the class figure, i realised that i shouldn't be one of them. Realised the importance of being active, being counted!!!

Engineering is the discipline and profession of applying scientific knowledge and utilizing natural laws and physical resources in order to design and implement materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that realize a desired objective and meet specified criteria.

This Wikipedia definition does not apply to me. Or for that matter to most people around me. The only machines i took interest in last two years is PC and Calculator, without understanding the working principles of either.

Sometimes looking around, find people around me craving for marks, mugging crap guides, paying hefty fees for classes, impressing teachers for termwork. Maybe that'll give them a good job, a good scoresheet to look upon. Some pride to salvage. But i wold never take this path. Don't mind bad grades if it helps me gain practical knowledge that maybe will not help me immediately but somewhere in future. Mugging some unimportant crap just because it has been asked several times over in the exams doesn't really exite me.
In the long run, the marksheet will just be a piece of paper but the experience and thrill of learing different things, thinking out of the box, will surely count.